Simak kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) halaman 188. Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 ini menjawab soal di Buku berjudul English For Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka. Siswa siswi dapat menggunakan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 188 ini sebagai bahan referensi dalam menjawab soal soal di rumah.
Orang tua/wali juga dapat memanfaatkan kunci jawaban ini sebagai bahan untuk membimbing kegiatan belajar anak. Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 188 Kurikulum Merdeka. Galang: Mom, what’s the name of this river?
Iptu Rudiana Akhirnya Somasi Dede dan Dedi Mulyadi, Hotman Paris: Pancingan Kena, Umpan Dimakan Ikan Halaman all Cara Hilangkan Bau Mulut Secara Alami, Banyak Makan 2 Bahan Ini Posma: It’s Sungai Lestari.
Pak Rahmansyah: When I ______ your age, I often ____ down to this river. Galang: But, it does not look very clean. Was the river this dirty back then? Did you swim in the river? Pak Rahmansyah: I did! The river ______ quite clean back then.
Galang: Were there many children in the river? Pak Rahmansyah: A lot of kids _______ and ______ in the river. Galang: How did it become so dirty like this? Did people throw their trash into this river?
Bu Posma: Well, that is one of the causes. People also ________ to use a lot of plastic. And plastic does not decay easily. Pak Rahmansyah: Plastic trash _____ to litter a lot of places. It ______ this river dirty. Bu Posma: The plastic trash also ______ many other problems, like the lood in a nearby town a couple of days ago.
1. When I your age, I often down to this river. 2. I did! The river quite clean back then. 3. A lot of kids and in the river.
4. Well, that is one of the causes. People also to use a lot of plastic. And plastic does not decay easily. 5. Plastic trash to litter a lot of places. It this river dirty. 6. The plastic trash also many other problems, like the lood in a nearby town a couple of days ago.
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